International Health Technology Assessments and Their Impact on Access and Patient Preferences


The United States is the global leader in ensuring patients have timely and sustained access to the newest, innovative medicines. As policymakers in Washington D.C. consider various drug pricing reforms, one idea under discussion is the adoption of a national health technology assessment entity. This approach would replace the current market-based system for determining the value of medicines with a national one-size-fits all value assessment entity that would advise public programs like Medicare on drug pricing, reimbursement, and access. Bringing together key industry thought leaders along with U.S. and international patient advocates, this forum will explore some of the health technology assessment approaches used outside of the United States and the impact a national health technology could have on U.S. patient access and innovation.


Michael L. Ryan, Pharm.D.
Senior Vice President and Head for U.S. and Worldwide Value, Access, Pricing and Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Bristol Myers Squibb
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Stephanie Dyson
Vice President, U.S. Policy & Government Affairs, Bristol Myers Squibb
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Elizabeth Franklin, PhD, MSW
President, Cancer Support Community
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Dr. Androulla Eleftheriou
Executive Director, Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF)
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John M. O'Brien, PharmD, MPH
President and CEO, National Pharmaceutical Council
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